
Let's Hear from our School - Sadhana Sankalp (2013)

Lets Hear from our School

Sadhana Vidyalaya celebrated Sadhana Sankalp Diwas on July 5, 2013 to rededicate ourselves to the Panch-Kosha way of developing every child of the school in to an integrated personality.  Below is the brief report of the whole event. 

The Panch-Kosha concept is central to Guruji’s vision of holistic education and this vision has led to this mission of a Panch-Kosha based Gurukul System of education. 

This is the foundation of Sadhana Vidyalaya, and it is this system that makes our school, the school with a difference.

Sadhana Sankalp Diwas is going to be celebrated every year and its agenda shall continue to be: Orient, Inspire and Resolve. 

On this first instance of Sadhana Sankalp, the word orient implies turning all needles north, that is, all stake holders orient themselves to the vision and mission mentioned above. Subsequent celebrations would focus on course correction.

Inspiration percolates down the line, from Guruji and Jyothi Maa, through teachers down to school children. An inspired teacher alone can carry the flag of our mission and build a unique organization.

Guruji Pattabhiram & Jyothi Ma 

Guruji at Sadhana Vidyalaya Community Day
Jyothi Ma addressing the participants
The session has this deliverable – an action plan for the implementation of Panch-Kosha based system of education.

The Celebration

The program was blessed by the presence of P. P. Guruji and P. P. Jyothi Maa. Our Guest-of-Honor was Shri Shrinivas Murthy who has been associated with the school from its inception and who has significantly and consistently contributed to the development of Sadhana Vidyalaya and has been very active in spreading Yoga Education across South India.

Our Chief Guest was Shri S K Jain, General Manager, National Thermal Power Corporation. 

All teachers actively participated in the day long deliberation and finally evolved an action plan for implementing the system for the year 2013-14.

The proceedings were compered by Ms Basamma in a very lively manner.

The Panch Kosh System

Every human being exists at five distinct levels – Physical Sheath or Annamaya Kosha, Vital Sheath or Pranamaya Kosha, Mental Sheath or Manomaya Kosha, Intellectual Sheath or Vijnyanmaya Kosha and Blissful Sheath or Anandmaya Kosha.

The significance of each of these sheaths to the integration of personality was described by different presenters. 

Annamaya Kosha: Shri Shrinivas Murthy

Shri Shrinivas Murthy on Annamaya Kosha
Pranamaya Kosha: Shrimati Shailaja Karandikar

Shrimati Shailaja Karandikar on Pranamaya Kosha
Manomaya Kosha: P.P. Jyothi Maa

Jyothi Ma on Manomaya Kosha
Vijnyanmaya Kosha: Shri Laxman Karandikar

Shri Laxman Karandikar on Vijnyanmaya Kosha
The fifth or the Anandmaya Kosha and the integration of all Koshas were explained by P.P. Guruji.

Guruji talking on Anandmaya Kosha

Guruji Pattabhiram

Guruji Pattabhiram

Guruji Pattabhiram

Guruji Pattabhiram

The lunch session was followed by open forum in which teachers formed four groups, one for each Kosha except the Anandmaya Kosha and this was followed by a brain storming session in which the four groups identified the activities for the development of Koshas. 

Teachers listening to the speakers

Over the years the school Time-Table has a period for Sanskara and another for Activity on a daily basis. This is in addition to the weekly Physical Education period. The activities needed to be appropriately integrated with the Panch Kosha system in a way they could be practically implemented. The proceedings resulted in fulfilling this requirement.

The activities corresponding to the four sheaths were:

Physical Sheath: Sports activity, Yogasanas

Vital Sheath: Pranayama, Long jump, High Jump, 200m running

Mental Sheath: Chanting mantras, singing, dancing

Intellectual Sheath: Chess, Sudoku, Puzzle solving, increasing difficulty level in science and mathematics problems

The inspired teachers have resolved to effectively implement the plan outlined in the concluding session. This completed the orientation for this year.

It is proposed to review the Panch Kosha program implementation twice a week so that practical problems of implementation are addressed expeditiously.

Cultural Program

After the daylong deliberations and brain storming sessions a cool breeze came in the form of vocal music presentation by teachers. Some teachers presented solo programs while others presented group songs. The evening was further enlivened by mono acting of Shri Prashanth Kumar. 

The highlight of the cultural evening was a wonderful solo dance performance on Krishna Leela by P.P. Jyothi Maa.

Inspirational Dance performance from Jyothi Ma

Krishna Leela Dance performance from Jyothi Ma

Jyothi Ma 
Program ended with a Vote-of-Thanks by Ms Vinutha.

Vote of Thanks

Follow up Actions

The preliminary plan of action was reviewed on 6th, 10th and 13th July and was fine tuned to its present form. Teachers have voluntarily opted for various activities. The Panch Kosha system is now active. 

Guruji allotted a 1-acre piece of land from the Ashram area to be developed as a play ground. Now Volley Ball, Kho-Kho, Long Jump, Throw Ball, Javelin Throw, Discus Throw and Kabaddi facilities are available and children are using these facilities with great enthusiasm. All this was done in the form of a joint effort by teachers and students – first step in Panch Kosha has been taken. It is less than a fortnight and enthusiasm is monotonically growing.

Teachers have identified three thrust areas to create an atmosphere conducive to Panch Kosha System:

[1] Cleanliness in campus 

[2] Discipline and

[3] Language

This is a collective activity and is already underway. Thanks all again for your continuous support & love.

- Shri Laxman Karandikar
Director - Academic Quality
Sadhana Vidyalaya

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