We suffer from various types of diseases not because of something ‘wrong’ in the physical body, but because of the continuous generation of negative energy in the mind; the mind is continuously generating the negative energy because we are feeding negative emotions.
What is negative energy? Negative energy is that energy which blocks the smooth flow of pure consciousness. If my emotions are selfish, then the pure energy cannot travel easily because of this blockage. Say, my heart says, "go and do something good to that fellow because he needs your support", that is the nature of the consciousness; our inner awareness - Aatmavat sarva bhooteshu. It is the same energy that is flowing everywhere. So, go and help. The moment pure energy starts coming out, the heart, which is filled with negative emotions, blocks it as if to say "Do not do it, if you do it, you will get caught." It is because we are selfish deep within. This slowly corrupts my pure energy. This corrupted impure energy is travelling all over the body.
There are 72,000 channels through which this corrupted energy is flowing. Wherever this corrupted energy flows, corrupted energy at the physical body will generate a negative chemical. Negative chemical gets deposited in the blood vessels, nerves, and in all such channels (or) passages through which various types of energies flow. Then slowly it starts blocking the communication system. The whole personality thus becomes negative.
When the personality becomes negative, automatically it creates a field around you. That field acquires the negative qualities of your personality. I am at the centre, the field surrounds me, sitting in that field, I attract people having similar negative energies. Because, in a way I become a magnet. When it becomes the magnet, it attracts. So, I start attracting only negative people towards me. Because there is negativity, there are negative people around me.
Similar attracts similar. That is the principle of nature. If there is negativity, it attracts only negativity. Slowly and surely, the negative field around me gets strengthened. In that negative field, where is the protection? Who is there to protect? My own emotions cannot protect me. Please understand - every emotion gets transformed into negative attitude. If a particular emotion starts operating 10 times in the mind, the same emotion becomes the attitude. I start seeing through that emotion only. Then, my entire perception becomes that only. So, the negative perception.
When the perception is negative, when the attitude is negative, then the habit patterns acquire negativity and get strengthened in a negative way.
For liberation, it is the mind; and so does for bondage too. For good things, it is the mind and for bad things too. Whatever samskara I give, whatever attitude I develop, whatever emotions I nurture, whatever feeling I develop within, that becomes my life. In that zone, small positive activities here and there do not help much. People are doing a lot of positive work, still it is not helping them to remove the density of negativity that they have stored inside. It is like sweeping for 10 minutes in a day and putting dirt all around the rest of the day. One or two days you will clean with a great enthusiasm. As days advance, you become tired of doing; because the amount of dirt piling up is so much, it makes you feel heavy, you feel bored - everyday doing the same thing! Because, you are not able to see the clean floor.
So, Sadhana or Mantras are very powerful, and they invoke a special energy from deep within. You must make efforts to awaken that intelligence which is charged with cosmic brilliance. That is your true energy. When you do Sadhana with feeling, then automatically, the natural cosmic brilliance which is in all of us in the latent form gets activated. We are not going to get it somewhere from above, no. It simply comes from within.
Therefore, instead of waiting to do your Sadhana ‘one day’, after you are through with your life’s commitments, start today and now. The moment you make the decision, my blessings and best wishes will start traveling with you.
What is negative energy? Negative energy is that energy which blocks the smooth flow of pure consciousness. If my emotions are selfish, then the pure energy cannot travel easily because of this blockage. Say, my heart says, "go and do something good to that fellow because he needs your support", that is the nature of the consciousness; our inner awareness - Aatmavat sarva bhooteshu. It is the same energy that is flowing everywhere. So, go and help. The moment pure energy starts coming out, the heart, which is filled with negative emotions, blocks it as if to say "Do not do it, if you do it, you will get caught." It is because we are selfish deep within. This slowly corrupts my pure energy. This corrupted impure energy is travelling all over the body.
There are 72,000 channels through which this corrupted energy is flowing. Wherever this corrupted energy flows, corrupted energy at the physical body will generate a negative chemical. Negative chemical gets deposited in the blood vessels, nerves, and in all such channels (or) passages through which various types of energies flow. Then slowly it starts blocking the communication system. The whole personality thus becomes negative.
When the personality becomes negative, automatically it creates a field around you. That field acquires the negative qualities of your personality. I am at the centre, the field surrounds me, sitting in that field, I attract people having similar negative energies. Because, in a way I become a magnet. When it becomes the magnet, it attracts. So, I start attracting only negative people towards me. Because there is negativity, there are negative people around me.
Similar attracts similar. That is the principle of nature. If there is negativity, it attracts only negativity. Slowly and surely, the negative field around me gets strengthened. In that negative field, where is the protection? Who is there to protect? My own emotions cannot protect me. Please understand - every emotion gets transformed into negative attitude. If a particular emotion starts operating 10 times in the mind, the same emotion becomes the attitude. I start seeing through that emotion only. Then, my entire perception becomes that only. So, the negative perception.
When the perception is negative, when the attitude is negative, then the habit patterns acquire negativity and get strengthened in a negative way.
For liberation, it is the mind; and so does for bondage too. For good things, it is the mind and for bad things too. Whatever samskara I give, whatever attitude I develop, whatever emotions I nurture, whatever feeling I develop within, that becomes my life. In that zone, small positive activities here and there do not help much. People are doing a lot of positive work, still it is not helping them to remove the density of negativity that they have stored inside. It is like sweeping for 10 minutes in a day and putting dirt all around the rest of the day. One or two days you will clean with a great enthusiasm. As days advance, you become tired of doing; because the amount of dirt piling up is so much, it makes you feel heavy, you feel bored - everyday doing the same thing! Because, you are not able to see the clean floor.
So, Sadhana or Mantras are very powerful, and they invoke a special energy from deep within. You must make efforts to awaken that intelligence which is charged with cosmic brilliance. That is your true energy. When you do Sadhana with feeling, then automatically, the natural cosmic brilliance which is in all of us in the latent form gets activated. We are not going to get it somewhere from above, no. It simply comes from within.
Therefore, instead of waiting to do your Sadhana ‘one day’, after you are through with your life’s commitments, start today and now. The moment you make the decision, my blessings and best wishes will start traveling with you.
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