Shuddhi Day 2 Aug 9
Today Jyothi Madam started the lecture by helping
the participants to understand how rich our Indian culture is and how sad it is
that we are losing touch with them rapidly.
She said,
We all think that religion, rituals, spirituality,
etc., they are all different from each other. But in reality they all lead to
one source, i.e., Tantra.
Our Masters were so advanced, they realized that
the ways of the mind are innumerable and therefore devised many methods and
ensured that the mind is not allowed to escape from the reality which is that
we are nothing but the Primordial Energy. Primordial Energy is nothing but
Spanda (In Kashmiri Saivism) or Vibrations.
Tattwa Shuddhi - Jyothi Ma |
As we have seen yesterday, Tattwa Shuddhi employs
Mandala (Idol worship), Yantra (abstract images using lines like square,
triangle, circle, etc.) and Mantra (potential sound vibrations) to clean
ourselves. This cleaning is essential if meditation has to happen us.
Meditation can happen only when we can train our body and mind to be still and
observe itself. This sitting still is a struggle for us because we are not able
to come out of body consciousness and the mind is scattered and is on the move,
like mercury. Very difficult to consolidate and hold it in a place.
Masters say, begin from where you are. Many
interpretations can be assigned to this statement, all of them rightly so. But
the most relevant interpretation got revealed to me (it is the understanding of
the writer of this report and hence subjective) today when Jyothi Madam
explained the effect of Tattwa Shuddhi. Tattwa Shuddhi starts with the energy
vibrations that we have at present and helps us to gradually cross over
different energy levels and finally experience the vibrations within us that
matches the vibrations of the Primordial Energy – merging with GOD. It is here
that the seer and the seen becomes one. Our energy vibrations becomes one and
identical with the cosmic vibrations. It is not so now because there is an
imbalance due to impurities. Through Tattwa Shuddhi when we start cleansing,
our energy vibrations attains equilibrium and starts unfolding its true and
pure potential. Suddenly and instantly the realization occurs that we are in no
way different from that Cosmic Consciousness !
Tattwa Shuddhi involves visualisation and
imagination, yantra and mantra. When we apply these on different parts of our
body what happens in reality is that unconsciously and without much effort our
mind crosses the barrier of body, meaning that we are no more conscious of our physical
body but at the same time we are aware of what we do using our body. This, in
other words, means that our consciousness shifts from the gross physical body
and touches another dimension that we have i.e., energy vibrations.
Yes, this actually happened when we practiced the
application of yantra and mantra, with visualisation and imagination on our
body, we no more experienced the physical body but the subtler level of
vibrations. When we chanted the mantra associated with each yantra, different combinations
of energy had different effects on the energy patterns in our body.
The mind was so focussed during the practice,
without consciously forcing it to stay with what we are doing, it simply was
doing its job like the fragrance simply gets carried away by the air.
Jyothi Madam said, it is my promise that if you do
this practice regularly, soon you will learn how to overcome your body
consciousness within seconds,
whenever you sit for meditation.
This is what Madam was referring to yesterday when
she said sharpening the perception. The mind was spot on, on what it was
assigned to do without anything distracting or disturbing it. This state is
referred to as ‘Atha’ by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutra. Atha means staying in the
present without the interference of past or future. When we learn to prolong
this Atha and make it an effortless happening in us, we are in meditation.
This Atha is a sure result when we start
practicing Tattwa Shuddhi.
Madam had a word of caution for us which is that
this practice has to be done with Bhavana, complete emotion (not sure whether
this is the appropriate English equivalent for Bhavana). Intelligence has no
role to play. If intelligence shows up during this practice, then this method
will not work, however hard one may try.
Madam shared the beauty and purpose behind the
culture of temples and the innumerable Gods that we have and how they are
related to this Tattwa Shuddhi. Since we are focussing in this programme on a
particular technique of doing Tattwa Shuddhi, I am not providing the gist of it
here apprehending it may take away the focus of the reader from what is being
shared through mandala, yantra and mantra technique.
Until tomorrow, Happy Sadhana.
N. Narayanan
SST, Delhi Chapter