
Summer Camp 2013 - Series 2

Pranams to all the readers. While we are contemplating on the "Shiva Shaktya Yuktho" that Guruji was talking about on the first day of the Summer Camp at Sadhana Dhama, let us today dwell upon Jyothi Ma's intro session.

Jyothi Ma has chosen a very interesting and dynamic topic - "Dhaarana" as taught in Sri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra text for this year Summer Camp. Sri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra is a classical tantric text, which offers 112 varieties of dhaaranas or techniques of concentration, a subject most relevant to modern times, which also can easily be blended into personal life style. These dhaaranas, interestingly enough, can be practiced even by a beginner, aspiring for qualitative concentration and gradually deepen one’s meditation.
What is Dhaarana? Dhaarana is a power of the mind to hold on to something singularly, to the exclusive of everything in a state of complete absorption

Jyothi Ma's in her session, first took the blessings from the Guru Paramapara to make her self and the channel to receive the divine knowledge and trend the path of self enlightenment . She then welcomed all the aspirants to her session on Dhaarana. She shared her sincere intention to give us lot of practice sessions along with little theoretical background. She stressed that, without theoretical background, whatever one try to learn as practice is going to be without proper foundation. The 'why' and the 'how' and 'what' of what we are doing, doesn't get the answer which would then become a blind approach.

Following is the brief synopsis of what Ma spoke on her first sesssion which itself is a wonderful reference for each aspirant in the path of Sadhana to read, contemplate and practice. She explains beautifully, what Dhaarana is, why one need Dharana and how to practice Dhaarana.

Strength of Sankalpa:

Actually it is not how much we learn or how long I speak or how much I teach, the important factor is it has to be the qualitative learning. Those who are very eager to learn sometimes, they feel they are given very less time in the camp as there is so much of thirst to get everything in one swallow / one gulp. And there are some who come to the camp, with the casual approach without any real intention with no Sankalpa in attending the camp. In both the cases, probably they don’t really get much.

When there is so much of thirst to get more and more, a person's dhaarana will be on the thirst and not on the knowledge and When one doesn't have the sankalpa with precise orientation, then the mind cannot maintain the dhaarana of receiving. Then also the listener is the loser. The recipient gets less because the absorption becomes very weak. So it is very important to know first these obstacles in the concept of Dhaarana.

What should be one's approach to practice Dhaarana?

Jyothi Ma then shared one interesting conversation that transpired with her Guru "Shri Srividya swaguru Sri Satyanandanatha of  Sri Vidyaranya Tradition" wherein He in the course of some discussion had made one striking point that, “I have been teaching this Srividya to many many disciplines, the group is growing very big and there are disciplines who are much much senior who might teach so much about srividya. However if a disciple has a conventional mind, then the very convention of the mind becomes an obstacle, an impediment in the process of receiving the knowledge".

Mind's conventional approach - Block in the path of Sadhana

Many of us, have this conventional mind because, it is the nature of the mind to  hold on to one convention or the other. Precisely because, mind cannot stay comfortable without a support. It needs a support.  Convention is a very easy support for the mind to stay and then nourish and then enjoy those conventions. It can be understood through one's habit patterns, it can be as simple as drinking coffee everyday, to a complicated process of doing puja, rituals and all your's spiritual practices. So called, the greatest spiritual practice can also turn into a convention and the mind becomes habituated to that convention, a pattern of living, a pattern of feeling, a pattern of one's own very existence.

Jyothi Ma then emphasized that:

Coming to camp like this annually, can become a convention too. Without any orientation, without any purpose one may attend this camp because he/she needs a change. So your reception gets limited to that convention. See the beauty of this concept of convention. It is very sad that the very convention blocks even a senior disciple's in the path of spiritual sadhana. So the guru tries very hard in different ways to break those conventions created by Himself in the disciple. But some are hardcore disciples and they never want to change. 

In their initial acquaintances with their Guru, these hardcore disciples formulate certain ideas, concepts and conventions as far as his/her sadhana, their relationship with the Guru and all the spiritual knowledge is concerned. Once it gets crystallized, it is finished, one can't go beyond that. These are the difficulties you find in your path of sadhana

So a sadhaka has to be very very open minded, and follow the 'Neti' principle, neti in samskrata means not this...,not this.... Keep yourself open like the open space but be sincere to what you are doing. Don’t you ever become a hardcore disciple in the process of doing your sadhana because you never know when you are going to reach your destination. 

For e.g. if you don’t know if your destination is Bangalore, you may get down in any point of the station, thinking that station itself is Bangalore. Is it not? In same way, in spiritual path you really don’t know the destination, only when you have reached the destination, you would know. But until such time, you really have to guard yourself against this hard core discipleship. Otherwise, what happens is, this conventions of disciplines, conventions of sadhana, will make the conventional mind to think, "oh whatever I am doing is perfectly fine, I am the most dedicated disciple, I am the most diligent practitioner...etc.", these are all the aspects of this spiritual ego.

You are bound to get wonderful experiences in the path of your sadhana and those experiences should never become your destination and you should not think that you have reached the goal. This is the toughest part in the path of sadhana. Therefore when I am talking about dhaarana’s also, I want you to keep your mind very open and not get struck with these conventions. Even the greatest of the puja’s, the greatest of the yantra’s i.e. 'Srichakra', that itself can become a stumbling block if I don't know how to open out myself to all the nuances and the beautiful energy dynamics that the Sri yantra or the Srividya practice can offer.

Dive with open arms

Even if I go to the vast sea, the ocean, and if I only carry a small cup, then who is at fault? The ocean is not at fault, the problem is with me, because I decided to carry a small cup. So I would only get a small amount of water. But here is the ocean with open arms to give you everything, if you are ready to dive deep into the ocean then you get the precious stones. But if I don’t want to touch even the water with my hand at the seashore, carefully I would take the cup and then just take the water in the cup and go away. So the problem is with the conventional mind. So when you do the practices of the dhaarana, please see if you can maintain an unconventional mind, not getting struck with any of the experiences, any of the methodology that I am going to give you, but keep flying high without any hesitations reservations and be ready, prepared to come down to the reality when it is needed.

It may not make any sense to you now, because we are yet to begin the practice, but keep this word of caution in your mind. Keep examining and exploring, if your mind is a conventional mind or not. This would help you not only in your sadhana, but in all walks of life. Otherwise your own mind can deceive you with your spiritual practices. 

(to be contd..)

Friends, let us dwell upon on the profound message of Jyothi Ma on Dhaarana before we move further into other wonderful dynamics of Love & Family Life and Dhaarana.

Till we meet next time, Happy Sadhana & Vande Guru Paramparam...

- 'Bansuri'
(a messenger)


Summer Camp 2013 - Series 1

Shri. Pattabhiram lecture session on 'Love & Family Life'

Summer Camp at Ashram is always been one of the highly anticipated event for all the family members of Sadhana Sangama, as it provides a means to come together, spend an eventual week at Ashram to unlearn toxic habit patterns, thoughts & activities and to learn Satvic fruitful teachings from the great Masters.

This year Summer Camp at Sadhana Dhama had presence of highly enthusiastic and motivated participants from different parts and the message we got this time from the Masters is highly valuable & need of the hour as it was on the topic “Love & Family Life”.

We here humbly present the coverage of this year Summer Camp to all the readers in series, so that it benefits the Sadhakas who could not attend the camp and also for Sadhakas who were part of the Camp, to recollect their Golden memories. 

The Camp started on 19th of May evening with Guruji & Jyothi Ma inaugurating the camp with lighting the lamp by chanting Guru Vandana & Shanthi Slokas followed by Guruji’s Introductory talks which set the goal of the camp perfectly in midst of gentle breeze as a welcome sign from the Mother Nature.





Guruji then started his session with a meditation session as He emphasized that meditation is the only space where inner union is possible as it is the very purpose of family life. Guruji guided meditation helped the participants to drop all the activities which are going on deep within that are controlled by us, so that in the very silence one can experience the union within. 

Guruji during the Meditation session guided the participants with the following Prayer:

The entire message for a family man is how to bring that union deep within. There is freedom, there is beauty and there is oneness with everything.  Let us feel that fragrance deep within, the harmony, union and joy.  Whatever comes in the way consciously drop, detach. Don’t try to fight with anything.  Feel the presence of Himalayan masters, let us connect with Gurudev and let us offer our humble sankalpa yuktha prathna, that one week, we are going to be here together. Eh! Gurudev, bless us, intensify our sadhana, strengthen our conviction to carry on the spiritual blessings of the Masters,  bless us to find out the purpose of family and to strengthen the family institution so that all the members of the family and the society will grow beautifully & completely. 

Prayers to lord Ganapathi, lord Hanuman, & the Divine Mother to bless all the Sadhakas were also invoked. 

Post Meditation, Guruji made us aware of the purpose of this year Camp and what we as Sadhakas have in store which is going to be tremendous value add if practiced sincerely. Following is the brief synopsis of our beloved Gurudev’s intro talk which itself is a great insight for all of us:

Friends, we are going to stay together for one week, to meditate together, understand together, learn together - what is family, what is my relationship with family and how to use family as a very powerful ground to connect oneself with the divinity. The entire family revolves around Shiva Shakthi Bhava. Shiva & Shakti, one is the light and another one is the energy.  As we see combination of Electricity & Electric wire which are both needed, so is Light & Energy.

When there is perfect harmony & beautiful relatioship between these two, then one merges with the other, one becomes the other, and in that union there is presence of the divinity.

We are going to discuss these in detail in next few days, but I want you as a sadhaka, to hold on to these two words Shiva and Shakthi and the union of these two.

Life is nothing but relationship. You cannot stay without relationship. So one has to find out what is this relationship & from where this relationship is emerging. So sadhana is not merely doing something mechanically, sadhana means enquiring also. Infact sadhana means, a means to enquiry. Sadhana means whatever I have enquired when I start experiencing it, that is sadhana.

How one can bring this Shiva Shakthi Bhava? Shiva means, auspiciousness, managalamaya, anandamaya, where there is absolute freedom, joy, happiness & satisfaction, that is Shiva. Shiva means, manifestation of that eternity, which is nothing but perfection & happiness. Now what is family then? Family means how I can make this consciousness as energy to organize to create and to build up something called family. So family beings with you, not with your husband or with your wife or with anybody else, it begins with you.

If you experience, Shiva Bhava in you and that becomes the Shakthi, the energy and that energy starts relating. And in that relationship there is no complaint & competition; there is only learning, understanding and the concern. It means, family life is nothing but the tapas (austerity), it’s not just you enjoy and extract, and demand and fight and then divorce. All those things are nothing to do with family. We always fight, we complain, but here, in this space, if I experience, how to translate the Shiva into Shakthi, then it becomes the tapas (austerity). Then it starts moving from yourside to outside. It’s not from outside to inside. it’s from here (inner) to outside. 

So I have to go back to myself, for that I need a base, our rishis have given the base, Shankaracharya has given that base, that is Shiva Shakthi Swarupa. So again family means, it has to start with you. It means, enriching, empowering your inner dimension. If you do this, then you can see, experience, the entire kula (family) of the universe. In that you see, the family which is very close to you also. Otherwise, Just merely getting married, does not make you a family man.

So friends, next few days, let us work on this concept. Shiva Shakthi Swarupa. How I can translate the Shiva into Shakti. Shakthi means manifestation, Shakthi means movement. So how I can push this forward? To do that, one has to find out what is this Shiva & Shakti.

Don’t drop it, by saying Guruji, it’s too difficult. I know it’s difficult. Whole life is difficult. Tell me, what is not difficult in you. Working in Kitchen, going to office, keeping your back straight, listening, taking care of family, sending your kids to school, the whole life is difficult only. So now if you are intelligent, select those difficulties which are going to help you a lot. Everything is difficult; earning money is difficult, getting sleep is difficult, because of too much food, stomach is full, so digestion is difficult..., so every second, we experience this difficulty. So why we accept only few difficulties to carry on, and few (Sadhana) we don’t even take a chance to understand ?

Going to office & taking care of kids is also difficult activity, getting up early to sit and meditate at home is also a difficult activity, both are difficult, Right? If the whole life is difficult, if you are intelligent, select those difficulties which will create an opportunity in you, to empower you, enhance and merge with the cosmos, do that.

Life means difficulty. Morning till evening, you slog, whole day you slog, and you have accepted that difficulty. When you have accepted that difficulty, you accept this difficulty (Sadhana) also. As you would get the fruit if you accept that difficulty, you would definitely get the fruit, if you accept this difficulty (sadhana) also.
But the problem is, we accept that difficulty, and we don’t accept this difficulty (sadhana) completely. That’s why our sadhana is not moving, progressing. To learn the computer & other modern technologies, how much time you have really given.  You spend so much time there;  but you don’t get this feeling that you are wasting your energy there. But here in the sadhana, "oh, I have to give 10 mintues, 15 minute, 1 hour for Sadhana… No Time Guruji…", full of complaints. So difficulty is something which is common everywhere. Even sitting here listening here, is also a difficult activity.

So this one week friends, together let us try to explore, how I can, share Shiva Bhava that is there in me, as Shakthi and share with everybody. That is the beginning of family. For e.g. if you are staying in a community, how I can share completely. Sharing means, I become sensitive, I try to understand the others person feelings, I try to see the difficulties, I try to see the short comings. With all that, I give love. He is the real family man. It means Grihastho Dhanyaha, our rishis have made it very clear. Grahastha means Dhanya, because it is a great tapas (austerity). At present, Grihasthashram is not becoming tapas because we start expecting too much, without contributing anything.  That is the modern trend.

We expect, but we don’t contribute. Ask yourself, how much you are really contributing. In what way we are contributing, not just, providing some money and building a house that is not the contribution, not at all. How much space you have provided for others, where others can come and rejoice in that space that is there in you? This if you start working at it, we realize, we have not created any space, but we are trying to provide material things, hoping that is going to give this, which is not so.

So let us begin the enquiry, with this simple statement, Shiva Shaktya Yukto. Shiva and Shakthi, both are in us. Shakthi means expression, manifestation, Shiva means Ananda that is there in me. What is Ananda, Anada means non conflicting emotion, where there is no conflict. When the mind goes through non conflicting state, it experiences Ananda.  So manifestation of this Ananda is Shiva Shaktya Yukto.

Dear Sadhakas, with this great message from our Gurudev, let us contemplate on Shiva Shaktya Yukto for few days, till we come back with more updates on the Summer Camp...

Till then, At the lotus feet of the Masters, Vande Guru Paramparam....

- 'Bansuri'
(the messenger)


Let's learn from our Baba - Final Frontier (final episode)

Story so far - Story 1, Story 2, Story 3, Story 4, Story 5a, Story 5b

Final Frontier - Final Episode

Final Frontier - Final Episode

Final Frontier - Final Episode

Final Frontier - Final Episode

Final Frontier - Final Episode

Final Frontier - Final Episode

Final Frontier - Final Episode

Final Frontier - Final Episode

Watch the Video below (with AUDIO)

Final Frontier - Final Episode

Final Frontier - Final Episode

Final Frontier - Final Episode
4 days to go for Summer Camp.... (Click here for info)

Thanks for reading the series... Vande Guru Paramparam...

- 'Bansuri'
(the messenger)


Let's learn from our 'Baba' - Final Frontier (Story - 5b)

Story so far  - Story 1, Story 2, Story 3, Story 4, Story 5a

Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Final Frontier
Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Final Frontier
Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Listen to Baba's answer by clicking the audio play button below:

Final Frontier
Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Final Frontier

7 days to go for Summer Camp... (Click here for info)

- 'Bansuri'
(the messenger)


Let's learn from our 'Baba' - Final Frontier (Story - 5a)

Story so far - Story 1, Story 2, Story 3, Story 4

Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Final Frontier

Final Frontier

10 days more to go for Summer Camp... (click here for info)

- 'Bansuri'
(the messenger)


Let's hear from our Guruji (Series 5) - Arogyavardhini

We all know how important it is to keep a good healthy body to pursue our Sadhana. As Swami Rama says, "A healthy body is the one which does not create any disturbance for you. It will not distract you from your aim of attaining the purpose of life. Your body speaks to you. The body has a simple and subtle language. Nobody teaches you, but you have to learn that language. If you overstrain, your body will tell you.  This consciousness will lead you to understanding, to self-awareness, and then you will understand the capacity of your body. Many things you do without understanding the capacity of your body".

Let's hear Guruji - Arogyavardhini DVD

So in this series of “Let’s hear Guruji”, let us today look upon “Arogyavardhini” – a 2 DVD set which is a Holistic package of Meditation, Kriyas & Asanas for Total Health.

What is health? It is not the mere absence of disease, actually it is the presence of positive energy at all levels -- physical, mental, social and spiritual. In this video, a whole package of Meditation, Kriyas and Asanas for total health has been given by Guruji Pattabhiram. Apart from this package, Guruji has very succinctly explains the concept of Pancha Kosha Viveka and its importance.

Arogyavardhini - 1

First DVD starts with the Meditation session. As Guruji says, Meditation is nothing but a beautiful journey of the consciousness to its own soul.  Listen to our Gurudev’s mesmerizing meditation session with the beautiful bird’s background sound (song) from the serene Ashram.

Pancha Kosha Viveka:

Post Meditation session, Guruji talks about “Pancha Kosha Viveka”.

What is Pancha Kosha Viveka? The intelligence that is there among 5 koshas of existence is called Pancha Kosha Viveka. Human being is made up of 5 layers. They are Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vignanamaya and the last one is Anandamaya.

Guruji explains that a Sadhaka can work at the first 4 levels i.e. Annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya & vignanamaya, because these four layers belong to nature. However the last one i.e. Anandamaya has to reveal by itself through Grace.

So what is Arogya vardhini?  Arogya Vardhini means integrating these four - Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya & vignanamaya .Guruji further explains in detail on how to integrate these four by referring to Bhagavad Gita verse:

yuktahara-viharasyam, yukta-cestasya karmasu, yukta-svapnavabodhasya, yogo bhavati duhkha-ha

Guruji says that Grace is very important & needed. Without Anugraha, nothing is going to work. However Till we receive that anugraha there is something called ‘Purusha Prayatna’ and working at these 4 levels of existence is that 'Purusha Prayatna'.

Guruji then moves on to explain the 4 levels in details. Guruji also take reference to following Patanjali sutras and explain them beautifully:

- tasmin sati shvasa prashvsayoh gati vichchedah pranayama
- bahya abhyantara stambha vritti desha kala sankhyabhih paridrishtah dirga sukshma
- bahya abhyantara vishaya akshepi chaturthah
- tata kshiyate prakasha avaranam
- dharanasu cha yogyata manasa

In this session, Guruji also shares insights about Swami Rama‘s voluntary creation of cancer lump to emphasize on the fact on how Mind has great potential, and how we are not exerting & exercising our mind to its full potential.

Some of the stills taken from the DVD:

Swami Rama


First responsibility is to take care of the physical body

Happy Sadhana

Find out where are you in the path of Sadhana ?

Without Grace, nothing is going to work

View Excerpt from Part 1 of Aroygavardhini DVD here:

Other things that are covered in this DVD by our Gurudev are: What is mind, what is intellect, What are the mind based personalities, How to study the mind, What is the approach to be taken when a thought comes, What is Puraka, Rechaka, & Kumbaka, What is emotion, and how to study the motivation behind each emotions and how it leads us to depression.etc.

Arogyavardhini - 2 (PRACTICE)

After the lecture session, Guruji moves on to the practice session. Guruji says, Yoga starts with loosening up exercises as our body is rigid & muscles are in tensions. Yoga means moving from rigidity to flexibility.

View Excerpt from Part II of Aroygavardhini DVD here:

In this DVD, Guruji explains various Kriyas for Warming up.  Guruji explains what kind of yogasansas one should start with by comparing the movements of a child. He beautifully explains simple techniques and how each kriyas help one from overcoming various health related problems like Arthiritis, Joint Pain, irregular bowel movement, lower back ache,  constipation, tiredness, Respiratory problems, stomach problems, etc.

Guruji tips while doing each Asanas along with how He guides on the Prana movement while doing each Asanas is a great treasure for us to learn.

Learn following Kriyas & Yogasanas directly from our Guruji through this DVD:


Tada Kriya
Hasta Varthula Kriya
Neck Rotation,
Ardha Kati Chakrasana Kriya
Meru Vakra Kriya
Ardha Kati Kriya
Kati Vartula Kriya
Janu chalana Kriya


Eka pada Pawanamuktasana
Surya Namaskar

Warming Up Kriyas

Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD

Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD


Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD

Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD

Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD

Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD

Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD

Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD

Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD

Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD

Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD

Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD

Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD

Stills from Arogyavardhini DVD

Surya Namaskar

Guruji says, while doing Asanas, Every minute is a culture, every minute is training, every minute is an understanding, every minute is a coordination and every minute is a harmony.  If we don’t understand these principles, yoga will not give its desired results.It is a great pleasure in watching this DVD to see our Guruji demonstrating on how simple movements with awareness help in improving the diaphragmatic breathing and how it helps in releasing sluggish toxins inside our body.

Friends, hope you liked this DVD coverage. So far in the "Le'ts Hear Guruji" series, we have covered Awakening your Intelligence through Gayatri Mantra, Overcoming Fear through Mrityunjaya Mantra, Chakra Meditation, Pearls of Wisdom & Arogyavardhini. If you are interested to get this DVD, please contact +91-9312796128 / 9868112750 or write to basantpnd4@gmail.com. You can also get these DVD's or any other DVD's from this list here when you are attending the upcoming Summer Camp on "Love & Family Life" at our Bangalore Ashram.

In this DVD, in one of the instance, Guruji takes reference to Krishna in Bhagavad Gita wherein Krishna says:

Crores & crores of people think of me;
Lakhs & lakhs of people try to put one step in that direction;
Thousands & thousands of people travel half way through;
Hundreds & hundreds of people come to very close to that door;
Ten & tens knock the door;
Only One who is fortunate enters.

So Guruji asks us to find out where we are?

Till we meet next time, Happy Sadhana...

- 'Bansuri'
(the messenger)

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