
Let's learn from our 'Baba' - Guru's Grace (Story 4)

Guru's Grace

Son: Mom, can you now share the Baba story on Guru Grace please...

Mom: Yes Beta, listen. Since Baba was a child, He was raised and guided by his Master. Baba had done all that his Master asked of him but still Grace had not come and our Baba grew frustrated. So one day baba went to his master and said, "You have not done shaktipata for me. That means either you don't have shakti or you don't intend to do it." Baba further added, “For so long now I have been closing my eyes in meditation and I end up with nothing but a headache. My time has been wasted and I find little joy in life."

Son: Oh so what did Baba’s Master said to that?

Mom: He didn't say anything, so in more exasperation Baba continued talking, "I worked hard and sincerely, You said it would take fourteen years, but this is my seventeenth year of practice. Whatever you have asked me to do I have done. But today you give me shaktipata or I will commit suicide."

Son: Oh No! then ?

Mom: Finally Baba’s master said to our Baba, "Are you sure? Are you really following all the practices I have taught you? Is this the fruit of my teaching, that you are committing suicide?" Then he waited a moment and said, "When do you want to commit suicide?". Our Baba replied, "Right now, I am talking to you before I commit suicide. You are no longer my master now. I have given up everything. I am of no use to the world; I am of no use to you.” Saying this, our Baba got up to the Ganges, which was near, and was prepared to drown himself.

Son: Oh! what a determination! Interesting, then what happened?

Mom: His master seems to be in a playful mood that day. He said to our Baba, "You know how to swim, so when you jump in the Ganges, naturally you will start swimming. You'd better find some way so that you will start drowning and not come up. Perhaps you should tie some weight to yourself."

Son: (Smiles) Poor Baba, he must be in tears now…

Mom: May be, now our Baba asked His Master, "What has happened to you, You used to love me so much?" Baba went to the Ganges and with a rope He tied some big rocks to himself. When He was ready to jump, His master came and called, "Wait. Sit here for one minute. I will give you what you want."

Son: I knew it! probably Baba’s Master was testing our Baba’s determination. What happened next?

Mom: Baba did not know what his Master really meant it, but He thought he could wait at least a minute. Our Baba sat in his meditation posture and His master came and touched our Baba on the forehead. Son, you know, Our Baba remained in that position for nine hours and did not have a single worldly thought and Baba used to say that the experience was indescribable.

Son: I am sure when Baba returned to normal consciousness he would have thought no time had passed.

Mom: Yes Beta, he returned back to his Master and asked for forgiveness for his earlier behavior. Baba used to say that with that touch Baba’s life was transformed. Baba lost fear and selfishness. Baba started understanding life properly. Baba began to wonder if this experience came about because of His effort or His master's.

Son: What was Baba’s master’s reply for that?

Mom: His answer was simply, "Grace." He explained, "A human being, should make all possible sincere efforts. When he has become exhausted and cries out in despair, in the highest state of devotional emotion, he will attain ecstasy. That is the grace of God. Grace is the fruit that you receive from your faithful and sincere efforts."

Son: Ma, do we already have the Grace from the Himalayan Masters?

Mom: Son, Baba says, “Grace is only possible with a disciple who has gone through a long period of discipline, austerity, and spiritual practices. When a student has done these practices and followed the teacher's instructions with all faithfulness, truthfulness, and sincerity, then the subtlest obstacle is removed by the master. The experience of enlightenment comes from the sincere effort of both master and disciple. When you have done your duties skillfully and wholeheartedly, you reap the fruits gracefully. Grace dawns when action ends. Shaktipata is the grace of God transmitted through the master”. So find out if you have done your part first".

Son: I think I need to deserve before I desire for Guru’s Grace, Isn’t it Mom?

Mom: Yes My Son...

(After a Week)

Husband: Dear, did you see our Son’s 2 minute video that he had made for the upcoming summer camp?

Wife: Is it? No I haven’t, he didn’t told me as yet. Can you please show me that video on your laptop?

Husband: Yes dear, here it is, let me raise the audio volume (click on the maximize button to view it in full screen)

summer camp by Bansuri

In case of issues viewing above, please visit :

Wife: Oh Wow, wonderful, he had made 3 of us and your office as characters. He didn't leave your office colleague too whom we are trying to invite for the Summer Camp. If only he had made me to wear Indian costumes & made me to speak in Indian ascent, I would have felt more satisfied

Husband: Hahahaha.... I think it's the limitation of the free version.

Wife: Anyways, Its so nice to know our Son is showing keen interest on Sadhana at his younger age.

Husband: Thanks to our Guruji, he has always shown us the right path.

Wife: Yes dear, By the way, Did you call Mr. Shriram at Sadhana Sangama’s Bangalore center confirming how many people we are coming from our chapter?

Husband: No I haven't done it as yet. I am just waiting to see if I am getting any call from my office colleague confirming their presence.

Wife: Please hurry up, don't update at the last moment. I wish your office colleague too joins us with their family so that they too get benefited by this summer camp.

Husband: Let’s see, I am keeping my fingers crossed. We have done our best we could do, we went to their house the other day, gifted them our Gurudev’s DVD & also spoke about the summer camp on 19th of May...

Wife: I am sure, they would join us honey, what do you think?

Husband: Well… I…..

(phone rings)

concluding part next week...

20 days more to go for Summer Camp.... (click here for info)

- 'Bansuri'
(the messenger)


Guruji at National Yoga Workshop

DAE Sports & Cultural Council and NFC Works Committee had organized 2 days (6 & 7th April 2013), National Yoga Workshop on "YOGA FOR SELF-REALIZATION" at Hyderabad. There were several distinguished speakers who were invited for this Workshop & our Gurudev Shri. Pattabhiram was one of the chief speaker among them.

Organizing Committee welcoming our Guruji
Organizing Committee welcoming our Guruji
Guruji started his session with a guided meditation and made all the audience practice the technique. He emphasized on the importance of Meditation, Pranayama & posture during the Meditation session. Post that our Gurudev talked on Patanjali Yoga Shastra.

Guruji stated that, "Patanjala Yoga Darshanam is more scientific in its insight into the human mind and behavior; hence its relevance even today. The beauty of this text is that it does not talk about problems but provides unfailing solutions, beyond caste, creed, religion, sect and region. It works like a pill to the diseases of the mind. It is a matter of conviction to say that these yoga sutras are the bridge between the two worlds – the known and the unknown".

Guruji starting his session with Guided Meditation
Guruji explaining simple Meditation Posture to the audience
Guruji taking the audience to guided Meditation

Audience practicing our Guruji's guided Meditation 

Audience practicing our Gurudev's guided Meditation
Guruji continued that, "The entire focus of Patanjali Yoga Shastra is on Self realization. There are two words here. One is ‘self’ and another is ‘realization’.  If one has to realize something the first thing is one should understand it. Therefore, realization is a process of understanding, a process where one comes in contact with it directly. To understand, there has to be clarity. There is no clarity in our minds because the thing to be realized within us is covered with layers and layers of impurity. Once we start removing these layers, automatically that which lies underneath these coverings will become visible to us and our clarity will be sharpened. The process of removing the layers is called ‘purification’". 

Guruji talking on Patanjali Yoga Shastra's - Pathway to Self Realization
Guruji in his session stated that, "To illustrate, if we have to find out what lies beneath a carpeted floor, whether the floor is a wooden one, or a tiled one, etc., we have to first remove the carpet that is covering it. Once we remove the carpet, we get clarity about the floor. In the same manner, if we want to know our true ‘self’, we have to uncover the different layers of impurities covering our ‘self’. 

We are all becoming mechanical, dull, dead, full of fear because we are not responding from the true self. We are responding from this mere self. The mind says ‘I know’ - I know my wife, I know my husband, I know this, etc. When you say ‘I know’, you stop looking and listening. That’s why in relationship we don’t listen to each other and hence there is no communication. This blocks us from seeing the reality.

Later Guruji, explained few approaches as blessed by Maharishi Patanjali to explore into the true self. He touched upon following Patanjali's Yoga Sutra's technique at His allotted time:


Audience listening to our Gurudev's lecture session

Audience listening to our Gurudev's talk during the Workshop

Guruji Concluded the session by stating, "YOGA shastra is the science of unfoldment, nourishment and connectivity and an enjoyable path to realize the true self. At one level it unfolds in us the true self by uncovering impurities that we carry. At another level, it nourishes you with the true essence of life i.e., the freedom, harmony & Bliss. At the third level it transforms the mere self by losing its ignorance and become the true self. Hence Patanjali Yoga Shastra is a scientific and systematic approach to free a person from bondage and take him to the expansive state of freedom. An aspirant of yoga sadhana sheds his ignorance and shine in his natural radiance through the beautiful journey called ‘Self Realization’".

Guruji one among the distinguished Guest

Guruji sitting along with other speakers during the workshop

Guruji welcoming one of the speakers during the workshop

Guruji greeting one of the speakers during the workshop
This session was also available online through LIVE feed and thousands of people all over the world were watching this entire 2 days of workshop. 

If you are interested to watch the entire talk of our Guruji on "Patanjali Yoga Sutras", you can get his DVDs on the same topic from his earlier public programs.

We also thank our Sadhana Sangama Hyderabad Chapter for all the support & coordination during this workshop. 

Thank you



Let's learn from our 'Baba' - Guru's Divine Love (Story 3)

Story 1 click here, Story 2 click here

Guru's Divine Love - Story 3

Husband: I doubt, if they would able to make it for the upcoming Summer Camp!!
Wife: Why Dear? Why you say so?
Husband:  Her Husband does not believe in all this and she would have tough time to make her Husband to accept coming for the Summer Camp.
Wife: Dear there is nothing to worry, with Baba's blessings, we can solve this too!
Husband: But How?
Wife: Before I explain how Baba would solve this, first let us think what can be our effort on this?

Husband: What can I do? I know very well her husband & if he won't be listening to his wife, how will he listen to me?

Wife: Don’t come to a conclusion even before trying.  Atleast think of some method Sir!

Husband: Hmm, Ok Madam, I have something in mind, don’t know if it would work or not!

Wife: See, there you are on track, tell me what is it ?

Husband: Did you read the recent “Let’s Hear Guruji” series on the DVD review of “Pearls of Wisdom” which was posted few days back?

Wife: Yes I did, so..?

Husband: In that there was a request to try gifting Guruji’s DVD’s to friends & relatives on their family & festive occasions along with our routine gift that we normally do.

Wife: Oh Yes, I read that, very nice initiative that.

Husband:  This Saturday is their Marriage Anniversary, why can’t we gift few of our Guruji DVD’s to them along with the other Gifts?

Wife: Eh! How do you remember your office colleague’s Marriage Anniversary? I remember you had forgotten atleast quite few of our’s!

Husband: (panics) Oh God!, let’s not deviate from the subject, moreover I didn’t remember automatically, she had only invited me..., sorry invited both of us this Saturday and…

Wife: Ok, Ok ! I was just pulling my husband’s leg, let’s come to the point, I think it’s a very good idea.  Which DVD you think we can Gift him?

Husband: It is difficult to pick one among the ocean of diamonds, however let’s gift them our Guruji’s wonderful Teachings on Mrityunjaya Maha Mantra & Gayatri Maha Mantra DVD, what do you say?

Wife: Oh wow, excellent selection, it was there in my mind too…

Husband: All said & done, but do you think this will work out?

Wife: That’s what I was telling you in the beginning, let us put our sincere effort first. The Rest let us leave it to the Guru’s Grace.

Husband: When will the Guru Grace showers?

Wife: Swami Rama Says, “Grace comes of its own when a seeker has made maximum effort. When all efforts have been made, and all efforts have been exhausted, then grace comes”. Talking of Grace, I remember, it's our time to do Anusthana. So let us continue our discussion after that.
Husband: Which Anushtana?

Wife: Oh dear, yesterday only we agreed to do the Anushtana for our Guruji & Amma who together have put their life & soul into Sadhana Sangama’s Vision & Mission since 1986.

Husband: Oh Yes, but tell me, Does a Guru Need prayers from His Students?

Wife: For ignorant like you, Swami Rama has already given enough explanation. Let me quote what Baba has said. Wait!

(takes a book and reads)

He Says “A master needs nothing. True spiritual leaders are like that: they take nothing and they give everything. A real teacher is he who is very selfless and who loves his students even more than a father can love his child. A father usually imparts only worldly means, helps the children to grow, and trains them to live in the world. But a spiritual father selflessly gives that which cannot be given by a father or anyone else. One cannot see an example of this anywhere except in the spiritual tradition. Father and mother give birth, bring up, educate, and give their property, but a Gurudeva gives to his disciples that knowledge which comes through his direct experience. Imparting such knowledge is a yoga tradition exactly like a father handing over his property to his sons. A master’s divine love is not that of human love but is something which only the heart, and never the mind, is capable of understanding. In a true spiritual tradition the teacher gives so much to his student that the student’s life is overwhelmed and transformed”.

Husband:  Excellent! then let us do this Anushtana as a token of respect and love for them who are tirelessly working towards health happiness and harmony through holistic living. Shall we also buy some other Gift for them as the Sadhana Sangama Trust is celebrating 25 years of Journey?

Wife: Dear for this also our Baba has given the answer. He says, “You may try your best to do something for your Guru, but you cannot, because he doesn’t need anything. You wonder, "Why is he doing so much for me? What does he want from me?" He wants nothing, for what he is doing is his duty, the purpose of his life. If he guides you, he is not obliging you; he is doing his work. He cannot live without doing his duty. Genuine gurus cannot live without selflessness, for selfless love is the very basis of their enlightenment. They radiate life and light from the unknown corners of the world. The world does not know them, and they do not want recognition".

Husband: Yes and such people are called gurus. They guide humanity. As the sun shines and lives far above, the guru gives spiritual love and remains unattached.

Wife: That’s why Swami Rama says, “If my guru and the Lord both come together, I will go to my guru first and say, "Thank you very much. You have introduced me to the Lord." I will not go to the Lord and say, "Thank you very much, Lord. You have given me my guru." So instead of thinking of Gifting something for our Guruji, let's us sincerely do this Anusthana & offer our Samarpana to support their mission for the School & humanity and to enrich our deservedness to receive Guru's Grace.

Husband: Do you also have a story to tell about Guru's Grace for our son?

Wife: Yes there is, but let us stop the story session for a while as it’s our Anushtana Time.

Husband: Yes you are right, "Jai Gurudev, Jai Guru Paramparam", call our son, we will jointly do the Anusthana and after that the story will continue...
(to be contd.)

30 more days to go for the Summer Camp .... (click here for the info)

- 'Bansuri'
(the messenger)



Let us come together and offer this special anushtana for our "Guruji"

Special Anushtana

Dear All

It is learnt that the message on Anushtana has created confusion & anxiety about Guruji’s health & wellbeing. Therefore it is clarified that Guruji is doing fine as usual.

Just as we greet our friends or relatives with some special gift on an occasion like marriage, anniversary, etc., it is thought that we, as sadhakas, join together and offer this Anushtana as a special gift to Amma & Guruji on the eve of silver jubilee. Purely this is the intention behind this and it is unfortunate that the readers are put to avoidable confusion.

Hope this clarifies. Sincerely regret the inconvenience caused to the reader, Guruji & Amma and seek forgiveness.

Thank you all

N. Narayanan
Delhi Chapter

Dear Aspirants,

As you are all aware, Sadhana sangama trust since 1986 is tirelessly working towards health happiness and harmony through holistic living. Our Guruji & Madam together have put their life & soul into Sadhana Sangama’s Vision & Mission.  Through their tireless effort, our School ‘Sadhana Vidyalaya', is giving quality education to rural children and now Sadhana Sangama Trust has completed 25 years in this spiritual journey.

In our continuous effort as a sadhaka’s & students of Guruji, we have been together with them and contributing to the cause by various means. Since the May 19th programme has been cancelled, LET US offer this Anushtana at the lotus feet of Amma & Gurudev as a token of respect and love on the eve of Summer Camp. With all sincerity LET US join TOGETHER and enrich the Anushtana.

We all are very thankful to them for being our Spiritual guide in this life & as a token of gratitude & love towards our Guru & his mission, can we all together do the following Anushthana for the welfare & better health of our Guru, so that He can continuously march ahead in spreading the message of our Himalayan Tradition.

The Divine Mother, through our Gurudev, has blessed this powerful mantra of a wonderful combination of Ganapati-Hanuman-Sarasvati-Lakshmi, with a yantra too. Please follow the method of meditation given here and freely share this with your friends & relatives who have attended our Gurudev’s program and who would appreciate this Prayer.

Meditation sequence:

- Sit in a comfortable posture with back, neck and head along the same straight line.

- Travel through the body and relax.

- Focus on your heart centre and breathe deeply 12 times as if you are breathing only to your heart -- Anahata Pranayama.

- Focus on Guru Chakra, just above the space between the two eye-brows. Feel the presence of Baba (Swami Rama) and seek His blessings for this Anushtana.

- Focus on your heart centre and experience the yantra given.

- Feel the bright yantra and mentally worship and offer pranams.

- Chant the below Mantra with the meaning and the feeling for 108 times (you can chant any number all through the day). 

- Conclude with a prayer as below:

Oh Divine Mother, bless our Gurudev & his mission with strength & good health, we seek this prayer for our Gurudev, so that he can continue to spread the wonderful teachings of Himalayan Masters to the Mankind

With this prayer & feeling, please chant the below Mantra:
After the prayer, experience as if you are receiving special blessings from Divine Mother in the form of Confidence-Intelligence-Harmony-Good Health, Stretch both the hands out and generously share this benevolent energy to Guruji & his mission.

Let us do this practice individually, as family, or in group and build up the energy field.  Let us conclude this practice with a collective Homa, offering the mantra again back to the Divine Mother during the Summer Camp.

Please practice with devotion, dedication and heart-full of Divine love. Let the bright energy radiate and reach our Gurudev.

For Exact pronunciation of the Mantra, please click here for the Audio

Thank you all.


Let's learn from our 'Baba' - Teach your children to Meditate (Story 2)

Teach your children to meditate

For Story 1 Click Here:

Son: Mom, you really know how to relate with children with the age of mine and how to address them. Sorry If I had hurt you. 

Mom: No problem my dear. I too have a lot to learn as a Mother. Hence I am attending Sadhana Sangama’s summer camp to be held from 19th of May, to know more about “Love & Family Life” and my duty as a Mother.

Son: Sadhana Sangama? What is it?

Mom:  Beta, Sadhana sangama is a trust since 1986 working tirelessly towards health happiness and harmony through holistic living, guided by the teaching of our Baba, Swami Rama.

Son:  I think they also run a school by name “Sadhana Vidyalaya” where children’s like me are studying from rural village, isn’t it Mummy?

Mother: Yes beta, the school has nearly 550 children like you. Baba used to say, “Stop building temples but mould the child the moving temples” that is exactly what Sadhana Vidyalaya is doing.

Son:  Will I get to see the schools when we visit the Ashram for this Summer Camp?

Mom: Yes Beta, you can go around and see the school buildings and the constructions that are coming up.

(Son’s Father Arrives)

Husband: What’s up? What interesting conversation is going on between Mom & son, Ah!

Wife: We were just talking about this May’s Summer Camp at the Sadhana Dhama Ashram...

Husband: Oh Ya! Summer Camp on “Love & Family Life” right? I am also eagerly looking forward to it.  Eh !, I have an idea. Do you remember I was telling about my office colleague who used to always worry about her son’s erratic behavior and indiscipline attitude?

Wife: Yes, Yes How can I forget, she is your best friend na!

Husband: (Chuckles), well, I am happy that you understand that she is just my friend & nothing beyond it…

Wife:  I know my husband very well, so what’s now with her?

Husband: No, I was thinking if we can invite them as well for this Summer Camp along with the family so that they can also get benefited. What do you say?

Wife: Good Idea, certainly, I think before they start teaching their son, they should first learn & change themselves, and then automatically, the children will follow the parents.

Husband: Hmm, I agree, even we had the same issue earlier with our son, isn’t it?

Wife:  Yes dear, we used to be very much worried, only our Baba helped us to overcome it. Do you Remember, we read one of the Baba’s book where He was talking about Teaching Meditation to Children?

Husband: Yes, in that He was saying that most diseases originate in childhood and children become ill because they have not learned the means of acquiring peace of Mind.  He was suggesting children to practice silence before they learn to be active.

Wife: Exactly, Infact when I read that Mothers can do this if they are friends with the children, then I started to see our Son in that way.

Husband: Truly, the lack of communication between the younger generation and the parents is creating great chaos in today’s world.

Wife: All we as parents have to do, is to do little adjustments. As Baba suggested, we made Meditation as part of our life and gave priority to it and our child automatically picked it up.

Husband: Baba’s advice helped us again. First we were trying to force him onto this Path, until we read that book, where He was saying, (taking that book nearby father starts reading)Children imitate their parents; you don’t have to teach them to meditate. Never do that. You should teach your children through example how to sit quietly and make their minds one-pointed. When you sit in meditation, your child will also come and sit next to you and pretend to do what you are doing. In this way the child will come to know what you are doing and will also form the habit of sitting with you. If you sit in meditation, and your child comes and sits next to you and closes his eyes, it is very helpful for the child. Do you think the child is meditating? I say the child is meditating better than you are. Even when a child simply imitates you when you are meditating, it is very helpful for the child”.

Wife: I have read even Baba’s Master used to do the same thing when our Baba was a child.

Husband: Hahaha (laughs), Yes, Baba at his childhood gave tough time to his Master initially but what a lovely relationship it was and what a great teaching it is for all us to know about them.

Wife: Certainly Spiritual practices, undertaken at an early age, have a profound and long lasting effect. So you should definitely invite your office colleague for the Sadhana Sangama’s Summer Camp with the family, so that I also get to see your lovely friend, hahaha…

Husband(chuckles) I doubt, if they would able to make it for the upcoming Summer Camp!!

Wife: Why Dear? Why you say so?

Husband:  Her Husband does not believe in all this and she would have tough time to make her Husband to accept coming for the Summer Camp.

Wife: Dear there is nothing to worry, with Baba's blessings, we can solve this too!

Husband: But How?

(to be contd..)

37 more days to go for the Summer Camp .... (click here for the info)

(the messenger)


Let's hear Guruji (Series 4) - Pearls of Wisdom

Pranams to all and welcome once again for yet another “Let’s hear Guruji” series.

As a sadhaka & students of our Guruji, we all are sincerely pursuing our individual Sadhana & also helping Guruji in whatever way we can towards his vision & mission.  Our Guruji travels extensively to teach, inspire and guide people with the wisdom of yogic science.  Can we also take part in spreading the teachings & messages of great Masters of Himalayan Tradition?

To start with, we often Gift precious items to our friends & relatives on family & festive occasion.  One simple change in this approach would be to start Gifting people our Guruji’s DVD video’s in addition to other gift items.  This would not only help to spread our Guruji’s message for the humanity but also it might be a starting step in the path of Spiritual Journey for our loved ones.  Guruji, in his workshops has given profound understanding of yogic science in the context of modern life and complements it with systematic practices that can be easily followed on a day to day basis. There are various interesting topics available in the list here, and you can gift any multiples of DVD according to your preference. Thanks for your understanding and now let’s hear Guruji…

Pearls of wisdom is a single DVD based on glimpses of various lectures on Sadhana. It includes glimpses of the following DVD titles. These DVD titles are also available separately in its entirety :

Pearls of Wisom - Guruji Pattabhiram
(a)    Exploring Different dimensions of Sadhana:

In this session, Guruji explains how a Jeeva has moved from its original source and what one Sadhaka has to do in order to find his true Home. Guruji says here that the Message of Sadhana is precisely “to go back home”. He further explains how a Jeeva suffers staying away from his true self. One has to work deep within in the name of Sadhana at various levels. Guruji in this section explains those stages & how one can work upon to come out of it.

'Home' Back 'Home'
 (b)    Obstacles in the path of Sadhana:

Often spiritual aspirants wonders why they are not able to prosper in their individual path of Sadhana even after some efforts.  Guruji here quotes Patanjali’s 9 obstacles that we have created in the mind that are blocking or resisting the prosperity of our Sadhana.  Guruji explains each obstacle in detail & how our activities are reflecting these obstacles.  The 9 obstacles that Guruji is explaining beautifully in this session are:

1)    Vyadhi
2)    Styana
3)    Samsaya
4)    Pramada
5)    Halasya
6)    Avirati
7)    Brantidarsana
8)    Alabdha bhumika
9)    Anavasthitatva

(c)     Overcoming Obstacles in the path of Sadhana:

Guruji explains the solution given by Patanjali to overcome the above obstacles in the path of Sadhana. Ekatattva-abhyasa is the solution that guruji explains in this section.  We sometimes complain that the Mantra japa that we do is not yielding any results. Guruji explains here how a Mantra can accept us totally and what needs to be done to yield the desired results.  He explains 4 tatva’s that patanjali has given for this purpose. They are mythri, karuna, mudita & upeksa towards sukha, dukha, punya and apunya. Guruji also explains here what needs to be done for the mind to be in rest by developing these qualities. 

Guruji explaining, Overcoming Obstacles in the path of Sadhana

(d)    Removing Kleshas through Kriya Yoga:

Guruji here explains on the Sutra ‘Tapah svadhyaya Isvarapranidhanani kriyayogah”. In Samadhi pada, patanjali as a scientist tried to help the student to understand the importance & significance of Samadhi.  From this session, a Sadhaka can know what is Tapa, what is Svadhyaya and what is Ishvara Pranidhana and how one can use these to build up the confidence in us. Why one needs a Guru is also explained in this session.

(e)    Removing Impurities:

Guruji in this session, explains about the negative emotions that are in us and one can overcome it.

(f)    Ashtanga Yoga - the eight fold path of yoga (Yama):

Guruji in this session explains in detail about what is Yama & what are the five Yama’s according to Patanjali.   The five Yama's that Guruji explains beautifully in this session are:

1) Ahimsa
2) Satya
3) Asteya 
4) Brahmacharya
5) Aparigraha

Guruji explaining Yama & Niyama's

(g)    Ashtanga Yoga – the eight fold path of yoga (Niyama):

Guruji in this session explains in detail about what is Niyama & what are those five Niyama’s according to Patanjali.  Guruji explains in detail about the following Niyama’s in this section:

1) Shaucha
2) Santosha
3) Svadhyaya
4) Ishvarapraniddhana

Guruji says, Once a sadhaka has taken care of yama & niyama, then the sadhaka is ready for the sadhana.

(h)    Creating a new step up for Sadhana:

Guruji in this session talks about the basic requirements for Sadhana and how should a sadhaka life should be planned to reach the spiritual goal.

Sadhaka explaining Svadhyaya & Ishvarapraniddhana

 (i)    Four Qualities of a Sadhana:

Some people fail in their sadhana, some people travel half through and lose the destination Guruji explains what are the four qualities of Sadhana so that the Sadhana flourishes in its entirety.  Guruji here takes reference of J. K. Krishanmamurti and also explains what questions a sadhaka has to ask himself time and time again and how he can improve on the sadhana.

Drop every burden the mind is carrying

Friends, Hope you liked this edition of "Let's hear Guruji". Tomorrow, i.e. April 11, 2013 is "Ugadi", the New Year's Day for the people of Deccan region of India. Accoring to our Guruji:

"Ugadi is a very significant festival especially for meditators to contemplate upon. Ugadi means Yuga+aadi, means beginning of new time span. Every year in this season, nature sheds itself off the old and prepares to bring out new. When old is dropped, burden is lost, space is created and in that space creative intelligence emerges with newness, fullness and blooming enthusiasm. On this day, as a meditator, you have to drop every burden the mind is carrying in the form of opinion, judgment, memory, images, hurt, guilt and whole host of mentally assumed blocks, self-created, blocking the new potential possibilities, to lead a blissful, happy and vibrant life of enthusiasm".

So Friends, let's continue our Sadhana as per the guidance of our Guruji and also work towards sharing our Guruji's wonderful teachings to the society as far as possible.

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Thank you very much for reading & till we meet next time, "Let's hear Guruji"...Vande Guru Paramparam...

- 'Bansuri'
(the messenger)


Let's learn from our 'Baba' - Learn to Share (Story 1)

Bete!, Learn to Share..

Son: Mom, I am feeling so hungry, what have you prepared for breakfast?

Mom: Son, I am preparing delicious Masala Dosa for you; just wash your hands and be ready, I will prepare & give you in five minutes.

(Son hurriedly washes his hand and sits in the dining hall eagerly waiting for the Masala Dosa, at the same time, calling-bell rings at the entrance)

Mom: Bete, go and see who has come.

Son: Oh No! Who is disturbing us at this moment, I hope it should not be some guest.

(Son opens the door and sees his uncle & aunty who have come from his mom’s home town)

Son: Oh!! Welcome. Mummy, Uncle & aunty have come.

(Son thinks to himself, “oh no, these old people will not go so soon from here, they have come all the way to my house only to spoil my Sunday”)

After a while…

Son: Mom! please come here for a moment.

Mom: What son, don’t you see I am talking to your uncle & aunty, what do you want?

Son: (whispers into her mother’s ears) Mom, I am hungry, please prepare Masala Dosa for me and serve me in my bedroom, I can’t wait for them.

Mother: (whispers back), Son, I have limited quantity of Batter only to serve two people, let us prepare & give it your uncle & aunty. I will prepare for you something else, may be UPMA.

Son: (starts beating her mom) Mom, you can’t do that; you know I can’t wait and I hate UPMA.

Mother: Son, listen to me, they are our guest, we have to serve them first, now please go inside & study for a while, and let me attend to them.

(Mother then starts attending the guest and serves them the Masala Dosa. She then prepares Upma for her son, which the son doesn’t take and starts crying inside the bedroom)

After an hour, when the guests have left the home, mom tries to pacify her son.

Mom: Son, what you have done today is totally wrong, how can you create such a scene when we have guests at home?

Son: How can you ignore your son request, don’t you know I was eagerly waiting to have Masala dosa and you know how much hungry I was.

Mom: you should learn to have control over your emotions, especially your hunger.

Son: So easy to say mom, you should have prepared upma for them instead of sharing them my quota of Dosa’s. (Starts crying)

Mom: See your baba is laughing at you (showing smiling "Swami Rama’s" portrait kept in the hall)

Son: I learnt even baba when he was a child was like me only.

Mom: Son, we can learn so much from Baba, even from his child hood days. All children are quite selfish by nature, they do not want to give anything to others, but he was trained to reverse this tendency and we can certainly learn from it.

Son: Oh is it? How?

Mom: When Baba was with his Master in Mountains, he used to have only one meal a day. Unlike you are getting such delicious Masala dosa’s, in mountains he generally gets one chapatti, some vegetables and glass a milk. One day it so happened that he was so hungry like you, and when he sat for his meals, his master stopped him from eating, and said there is old swami who has come and he is hungry too, and ordered him to give his food.

Son: Oh poor Baba, only one food per day, so what happened next? Did Baba give his food to him immediately?

Mom: No son, initially he too argued and hated that Swami who came at the stroke of his meal time. He didn’t want to share his food. His master asked him to share his food as an offering of love for which Baba hesitated. Later, his Master asked him to share his food as an order, for which Baba had no choice but to share his meals with the visiting Swami.

Son: Oh, what a training from Baba’s Master, He was really tough on Baba.

Mom: Son, Baba’s master is equally a loving mother towards Baba, but at the same time, he ensured Baba get the right training at the right time. He asked Baba not to lose control at this weak moment, and if he does so, he would lose the battle of life.

Son: So what happened next? Did Baba give food to Swami?

Mom: Yes he had to for the sake of his Master. Though Baba did not understand why he was asked to do so, he followed his Master’s order and washed the feet of the visiting swami and then asked the Swami to sit and Baba offered his food to the visiting Swami who had not taken the food for over four days.

Son: But what did Baba get in return of his sacrifice? What will I get if I sacrifice my Masala Dosa for the visiting guest?

Mom: Son, it’s not about what we will get, it’s all about serving selflessly. To answer your question, the Swami did blessed Baba by saying he will not get hunger unless food comes before Baba.

Son: Oh Nice, so if I sacrifice my food for others, will I also get such blessings from the Masters?

Mom: Son, before earning for such blessings, you have to develop the deservedness in you, and then at the right time, you will receive the grace from the Lord.

Son: So what should I do to develop the Deservedness?

Mom: Let me quote the same what Baba has said in “Living with Himalayan Masters”. He Says, “There is a narrow barrier between selfishness and Selflessness, love & Hatred. After crossing it, one enjoys doing things for others, without seeking anything in return. This is the highest of all joys, and an essential step in the path of enlightenment. A selfish man can never imagine this state of realization, for he remains within the limited boundaries built by his ego. A selfless man trains his ego and uses it for higher purposes. Selflessness is one common characteristic that we find among all great men and women of the world. Nothing could be achieved without selfless service. All the rituals and knowledge of the scriptures are in vain if actions are performed without selflessness".

Son: I don’t think I understood all you said, but I did understand that I will not cry anymore, if you share my food with others.

Mom: No problem son, atleast you agreed to share your food with others, which would be the beginning of your Sadhana, the rest Masters would take care.

Son: Mom, now I really feel hungry, do you have some Upma for me ?

Mom: My loving son, it’s there for you, even I haven’t had my breakfast, come let’s share and enjoy the food.

Son: Mom, you really know how to relate with children with the age of mine and how to address them. Sorry If I had hurt you.

Mom: No problem my dear. I too have a lot to learn as a Mother on how to upbring a child . Hence I am attending Sadhana Sangama’s summer camp to be held from 19th of May, to know more about “Love & Family Life” and my duty as a Mother.

Son: Sadhana Sangama? What is it?

(to be contd..)

- 'Bansuri'
(the messenger)


Ramana Maharshi's Upadesa Sara - Day3 update

Guruji started the session by explaining how the Upadesa Sara came into existence. He remembered a great tamil poet by name Muruganar who lived when Ramana Maharshi was in his physical body. Guruji also narrated the incident between these two that made Ramana to create Upadesa Sara on request of Muruganar.  Guruji then gave lot of importance & significance to one’s own Sadhana and how we can relate Ramana Maharshi’s Upadesa Sara with our individual Sadhana. Below is the brief synopsis of Day 3 program.

Guruji's talk on Ramana's Upadesa Sara
When you start contemplating on Ramana’s Upadesa Sara, it gives the essence of Atma Gyana (Self Knowledge).  In the name of Meditation or Sadhana people have become lazy & lousy people by condemning the outside world and stopped working in the external world. However if you see, All great masters, they work continuously 24 hours non-stop. If you are a true meditator, every cell in your body should charge with enthusiasm. If that transformation is not in us, then it means there is no Atma Gyana. If we are struck with the act of irresponsibility by not taking care of our health, body & family, there is no Atma Gyana in us. 

Guruji then recollected the first sloka from Ramana Maharshi’s Upadesa Sara. Whatever happening is at the will of the karthu only. Without karthu, no activity, no action, no effort can take place. So one has to find out who is this karthru? How to find out? One should start from negating the false karthru’s. After beautifully explaining this, Guruji then moves on the 2nd Sloka of Upadesa Sara:

Krithi mahodadhau pathana kaaranam
Phalam asaashvatham gathi nirodhakam

Krithi mahodadhau
– One action takes me to next action, one krithi is taking us to another krithi. It has become like addiction.

Pathana Kaaranam – Where is one failing miserably? Ramana says Krithi mahodadhau. Find out yourself how you are adding activities after activities. Any desire we create, we have to maintain them, and for the same maintenance, we are building up another set of activities. Go back to your life and analyze how we are expanding and how we are behind activities after activities.

Phalam asaashvatham  –  All our identification are with the krithi’s which are not permanent. They are temporary in nature. Since it is temporary, it leads me to frustration. Any pleasure or any emotions are all temporary. Anything which is impermanent, it is like a speed breaker, it blocks you and it does not make you to proceed further. Deep inside there is a seeking for something permanent and we are going in search of that in external world. The outside world does not give anything which is permanent. So the very seeking gives us the frustration, dejection, depressed etc. Every experience is creating extended dissatisfaction in me. This is creating another karthru called 'craving'.

If you do your Sadhana sincerely, you would realize 70% of the things that are in our home are nothing useful to our path of Sadhana. But do we have the guts to throw them out? Who is creating this kind of web and getting caught & suffocating in the web? It’s all because we have not identified the karthru.

Do your 'Sadhana'
The problem with most of us is that we don’t wake up and we don’t want to wake up, that is the crux. We are not interested to know the original karthru. So what needs to be done? Guruji now moves on the 3rd Sloka of Upadesa Sara:

Ishwara arpitam na icchayaa kritam
Chitta shodhakam mukti sadhakam

Guruji says, Ramana is suggesting a Sadhana for all of us. What is that?  Ishwara arpitam. If you are not able to find out the true karthu, Ramana says, you feel there is something called Ishwara, and you feel this Ishwara is very affectionate, respectable & revered personality. Guruji says, you keep working in the external world, after performing every activity, you offer them to Ishwara. Before starting an activity, you feel that you are doing this to please the Ishvara.

For e.g. if Guruji is coming to your house, your every action/ selection / attitude is guided by Guruji and you do everything for Guruji. You don’t prepare something which you like it; you prepare something which you think Guruji likes it. Another good example is 'Sabari' in Ramayana. Every day, while getting up in the morning, it is 'Lord Rama', the day starts with the thought that my Rama is going to come today; every activity of hers was on Rama. In the night, if Lord Rama does not come, she says to herself, “OK, I know my Rama might be busy, he may come tomorrow, whatever I have done today, let me take it as a Prashada from my Lord Rama". 

Guruji puts a question to us, Is it possible for us to develop that feeling in us?

Guruji says, Every action is completely guided by that which you respect the most. So here, if Ishwara is everything for me, I do everything to please my lord. Here our Gurudev Shri Pattabhiram shared about his personal Sadhana that is given by His Gurudev, Swami Rama of Himalayas. "Selfless Service" is the sadhana our Guruji has been doing over the years for the humanity. 

Why one has to do this sadhana? Because for Chitta Shodhakam, Mukti Sadhakam. The purification is the purpose of our life. Mukthi sadhakam, mukthi means liberation, liberation means freedom. The purpose is to free this consciousness completely from everything.

Na icchayaa - In every action, I have to see, whether 'Icha' the desire is entering or not. If 'Icha' is entering, then we have to purify.

Guruji says, Purification is a very painful process.  That’s why very few get onto this kind of Atma Sodhana. Is it possible for us to purify ourselves every minute? Ramana says, Ishwara is the karthu. At the command of the Ishwara, everything is going on. 

Guruji here also gave lot of insight on how he relates with the Sadhakas & His students and why He does not impose a rigid approach to His students.

Moving on, Guruji then explained why we have to surrender? According to Ramana, We have to surrender because, chita sodhana & mukthi sadhana has to happen. The individual self has to move from its entanglements and experience the universal consciousness. To experience this, impurity has to be removed. The purpose of our life; is to expand the consciousness so that it merges with the universal consciousness.

Life is nothing but, unconditional energy of joy. When this unconditional energy is confined within the boundary, then it becomes misery. When you put any boundary and divide that is impurity. If you put boundary in your own self and if you have separated other Sadhana Parivara, you have created a poison. Direct approach is to take the poison out. All other solutions are temporary, and it’s expensive if you go into temporary treatment.

We don’t see the last step, and we always take step after step. So see the last step, then take the first step. What is the last step? Mukthi sadhana is the last step. What is the first step, chitha sodhana is the first step. How to do Chita Sodhana? Through Ishwara arpitam. What is the dynamism here?  Naa ichaya kritiam, that’s all.

Friends, Hope you liked the Day 3 coverage of Guruji's program on Upadesa Sara at New Delhi. What we have put in here is very brief synopsis and there were lots of insights that Guruji talked on Upadesa Sara. If you want to listen to his previous lecture on Upadesa Sara, you can get the DVD & get benefited.

Happy Sadhana...

- 'Bansuri'
(the messenger)

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