November 13th is Maha Samadhi day, a special day for all Sadhakas of Himalayan tradition blessed by Gurudeva Swami Rama of the Himalayas. Gurudev left his limited mortal frame on 13th November 1996 and expanded his consciousness into the divine infinite sky of eternity. It is the day of deep contemplation to all of us. Let us look into our inner world, glance on all the limitations that are binding us and creating misery. Let us make a sankalpa to break all the walls of division, experience the boundless space filled with love and compassion, feel the presence of Gurudev as a bright star of radiance and allow the rays of grace to enter our lives and empower with the brilliance of life scintillating light and become that beaconing light to share with one and all.
The suggested Mantra Japa for November 13 is as follows:
1. Take a comfortable posture by keeping the back, neck and the head along the same straight line. Relax the body completely – do inner journey.
The suggested Mantra Japa for November 13 is as follows:
1. Take a comfortable posture by keeping the back, neck and the head along the same straight line. Relax the body completely – do inner journey.
2. Do 21 rounds of Shushumna breathing.
3. Come to Guru Chakra (above the Ajna chakra), imagine a Tirkuti (upward triangle) and in that Trikuti feel the Agni (fire) of Guru eternally glowing.
4. Focusing on the Trikuti, chant Om Shreem Gurudevaaya Namaha 108 times.
5. Conclude by chanting Hiranya garbaa aarabdhaam, saeshou vyaasaadhi madhyamaam, Swami Shree Rama Paadaanthaam, Vande Guru Paramparaam.
6. After Guru Vandana, offer all unresolved problems, negative things and emotions that are bothering you into the Trikuti fire as Aahuti (offering) so that the fire of Guru burns all your negative emotions, karmas, samskaras, and negative tendencies that block your path of sadhana and spiritual progress and instead bring enthusiasm, harmony, health and happiness in the life of disciples and also to their families.
May Baba be with you all and bless you.
In the service of Parampara,
Pattabhiram & Jyothi
Please Note:
The Guru Smarana program is organized at Sadhana Dhama Ashram in presence of Guruji & Jyothi Ma on Nov 16th, 2012 from 10-1 p.m. We welcome you all to take part in this program and receive the blessings of Baba. We will be performing Gurusmarana with Pancha Mukhi Kaaryakrama (5 fold approach) from 10 a.m. to 12p.m. by:
• Chanting Gayatri Mantra
• Performing the Rudraabhishaeka
• Chanting Lalitha Sahasranaamaa
• Bhajans, and
• By Sharing and remembering Gurudev’s experiences and conclude with Maha Prasada (lunch at 1p.m)
Venue : Sadhana Dhama Ashram, Date : Friday, Nov 16, 2012
Address: Sadhana Dhama, 4th KM Sri Ramapuri, Near Kanva reservoir, Chennapatna, Bangalore Rural.
Ph. Nos. : At Bangalore office : Mr. Sriram 23222611 – contact during office hrs. 10.30a.m to 4.00 p.m.
At Ashram : Mr. AG Narasimha Murthy – 9901710565, Mr. Prashanth – 9008940081
Bus route : From Bangalore Satellite Bus Stand – Mysore road to Channapatna via Ramnanagar.