Hearty wishes on the occasion of Diwali.
I have been away from you for almost four months now. “I have been away from you” is only physical. The people for whom I have been working, or the people who have been working for the mission of the Parampara, are always dear to me. My heart is always open and when you remember me, a love song starts in me. I am not exaggerating, nor am I interested in taking your emotions off the ground. But I am simply sharing what I have been experiencing.
The experience of life in Western Countries gave me an increased conviction that material wealth is not all that which matters for life. It is the overall well-being that really matters. We seem to live in shells, though we tend to call ourselves ‘civilized’ or ‘modern’. ‘freedom’ is misunderstood as carelessness, manipulated, corrupted and cunning display of minds’ whims.
The life I have seen in western countries further convinced me that Maharshi Patanjali’s yoga sutra, yogah chitta vritti nirodha, should be practiced with increased sincerity. This sutra should be kept as the ground on which we deal with events, relations and oneself. As and when I meet you, I would share with you the relevance of this sutra in the entire world.
I and my wife, Smt.Jyothi, are too eager to come back to our dear work field – seeing our Gurudev, Swami Rama, in you and serving him through you. I would be landing in Delhi on 8th November and then would be leaving for Bangalore on 9th November.
I have nothing much to say in this column, except to reiterate my increased commitment to travel further on my journey. My journey is only with you. Without you, my journey is incomplete and the journey is not joyous and purposeful.
Dear friends, can I seek from you an added vigour on your part so that we both travel happily, looking at all directions, treading the path brightly lit by the blessings of the Himalayan Masters? Sadhana is not all that difficult. ‘Difficulty’ is only a mental make up. In fact if you start looking at the course of life, you would like to enjoy every moment of your living – whether doing a job or not doing any. You would simply be ‘love personified’.
With yogic fragrance,
Jyoti & Pattabhiram.
I have been away from you for almost four months now. “I have been away from you” is only physical. The people for whom I have been working, or the people who have been working for the mission of the Parampara, are always dear to me. My heart is always open and when you remember me, a love song starts in me. I am not exaggerating, nor am I interested in taking your emotions off the ground. But I am simply sharing what I have been experiencing.
The experience of life in Western Countries gave me an increased conviction that material wealth is not all that which matters for life. It is the overall well-being that really matters. We seem to live in shells, though we tend to call ourselves ‘civilized’ or ‘modern’. ‘freedom’ is misunderstood as carelessness, manipulated, corrupted and cunning display of minds’ whims.
The life I have seen in western countries further convinced me that Maharshi Patanjali’s yoga sutra, yogah chitta vritti nirodha, should be practiced with increased sincerity. This sutra should be kept as the ground on which we deal with events, relations and oneself. As and when I meet you, I would share with you the relevance of this sutra in the entire world.
I and my wife, Smt.Jyothi, are too eager to come back to our dear work field – seeing our Gurudev, Swami Rama, in you and serving him through you. I would be landing in Delhi on 8th November and then would be leaving for Bangalore on 9th November.
I have nothing much to say in this column, except to reiterate my increased commitment to travel further on my journey. My journey is only with you. Without you, my journey is incomplete and the journey is not joyous and purposeful.
Dear friends, can I seek from you an added vigour on your part so that we both travel happily, looking at all directions, treading the path brightly lit by the blessings of the Himalayan Masters? Sadhana is not all that difficult. ‘Difficulty’ is only a mental make up. In fact if you start looking at the course of life, you would like to enjoy every moment of your living – whether doing a job or not doing any. You would simply be ‘love personified’.
With yogic fragrance,
Jyoti & Pattabhiram.