Dear Sadhaka,
Swami Rama Tirtha used to say that the secret of happiness lies in static mind and dynamic body. Now-a-days, people are imbalancing themselves either by leading a lazy and lethargic life under the garb of meditation, or by a monotonous routine, thinking that they are active. The emphasis here is blending these two. One has to have a balanced approach--quietening the mind at the psychological level and making the body active at the physiological-level, and blending these two; and, making the psycho-physiological entity a balanced, healthy, and dynamic apparatus to express oneself completely. That’s the right approach.
Mind is an abstract thing, and comprehending it will take time. Whereas, the body is gross in nature. So one has to begin with the body first. That’s why, even in meditation, Pujya Gurudev Swami Rama insists on stabilizing the body as the basic essential step. Pujya Swami Rama used to say “if you know how to stabilize your body, then meditation happens in you”.
An analogy would make this point clear. Water is stored in Dams. If the water level exceeds the danger level, then it has to be discharged. At that time, if the flood gates do not open or if only few open partially, what will happen? Pressure will build up and the Dam will develop cracks and finally it will break down.
The same happens here as well. The capacity of the mind is something magnificent, whereas the body has its own limitations. And the beauty is, mind expresses itself through the body only. This being the case, if we don’t keep our body intact, if thoughts can’t express themselves through actions, our personality, like the Dam, develops cracks and eventually breaks down.
Beloved Sadhakas, it is happening every day with all of us, and with utmost concern I am writing this editorial. To be dynamic at the physical-level, one has to discipline oneself and give the physical body a good exercise. There are many asanas, stretching exercises which can help in removing the toxins and help the energy to flow freely within and through the body. Once the energy flow becomes smooth, then that body is really capable of translating the thoughts into action. The vitality of the body is very, very essential. Once this preparation is ‘pucca’, one will flower in meditation and then he will open out to higher dimensions of life.
May Baba, Pujya Gurudev Swami Rama, bless you all in your Sadhana.
In service of the Parampara,
Sri Pattabhiram
Swami Rama Tirtha used to say that the secret of happiness lies in static mind and dynamic body. Now-a-days, people are imbalancing themselves either by leading a lazy and lethargic life under the garb of meditation, or by a monotonous routine, thinking that they are active. The emphasis here is blending these two. One has to have a balanced approach--quietening the mind at the psychological level and making the body active at the physiological-level, and blending these two; and, making the psycho-physiological entity a balanced, healthy, and dynamic apparatus to express oneself completely. That’s the right approach.
Mind is an abstract thing, and comprehending it will take time. Whereas, the body is gross in nature. So one has to begin with the body first. That’s why, even in meditation, Pujya Gurudev Swami Rama insists on stabilizing the body as the basic essential step. Pujya Swami Rama used to say “if you know how to stabilize your body, then meditation happens in you”.
An analogy would make this point clear. Water is stored in Dams. If the water level exceeds the danger level, then it has to be discharged. At that time, if the flood gates do not open or if only few open partially, what will happen? Pressure will build up and the Dam will develop cracks and finally it will break down.
The same happens here as well. The capacity of the mind is something magnificent, whereas the body has its own limitations. And the beauty is, mind expresses itself through the body only. This being the case, if we don’t keep our body intact, if thoughts can’t express themselves through actions, our personality, like the Dam, develops cracks and eventually breaks down.
Beloved Sadhakas, it is happening every day with all of us, and with utmost concern I am writing this editorial. To be dynamic at the physical-level, one has to discipline oneself and give the physical body a good exercise. There are many asanas, stretching exercises which can help in removing the toxins and help the energy to flow freely within and through the body. Once the energy flow becomes smooth, then that body is really capable of translating the thoughts into action. The vitality of the body is very, very essential. Once this preparation is ‘pucca’, one will flower in meditation and then he will open out to higher dimensions of life.
May Baba, Pujya Gurudev Swami Rama, bless you all in your Sadhana.
In service of the Parampara,
Sri Pattabhiram