On the Guru Poornima day, please sit for a while in silence and ponder on how to experience the affectionate tender touch of the Master within. Here, I would like to share some clues with you. These are the clues which help you reach the treasure, in the game of treasure-hunt.
a. Sit quietly in your meditation posture
b. Chant the following mantra:
shesha-vyaasa-aadi madhyamaam
swaami-shree-raama paadaantaam
vande guru paramparaam
c. Focus your attention at the root of your nose and practice 21 rounds of sushumna pranayama.
d. Go to Sahasrara and practice 18 rounds of `Soham’ Pranayama (inhale with sound `So’ from Sahasrara to Mooladhara and exhale with 'Ham' from Mooladhara to Sahasrara. While practicing this pranayama, listen to the naada, the musical Anaahata naada (unstuck sound) of Soham (sah-aham), which means `That is me, That is me, That is me’.
e. Stay in Sahasrara and feel the blue sky of SILENCE, BLISS AND RADIANCE and listen to the voice of the Master during the moments of absolute stillness. Visualize a golden dot---the centre of silence, bliss and radiance---in the centre of your sahasrara. Let this golden dot be your Guru. Then let the following mantra reverberate in a spiral fashion around the golden dot in the Chidaakaasha at Sahasrara:
Chant for a minimum of 516 times. Then feel that the same spiral light is enveloping you and protecting you from all negative influences. Now, let this light permeate from you, in all directions, to protect the entire humanity.
f. Feel that you are shining like a bright star in the sky. You are the nucleus of an atom and all the movements of the world revolve around you like the electrons---the movements having no effect upon you. Feeling that deeply, with great reverence, conclude your meditation by offering humble salutations at the lotus feet of the Guru within.
g. End meditation with the following mantra:
Sarve santu niraamayaah
Sarve bhadraani pashyantu
Maa kaschit duhkha bhaag bhavet
• On the Guru Poornima day, select your comfortable time and practice this meditation at least for 40 minutes, either alone or with your family members.
• In different centers of the Sadhana Sangama Trust, I suggest the sadhakas get together and practice this meditation in the ambiance of Guru Festivity.
Hear the Mantra from Gurudev by clicking on 'Play' below: