"Saa Vidya ya VIMUKTAYE"
"Whatever liberates you is true knowledge", declare the Upanishads.
But what are we seeing today? Hatred, violence and rivalry everywhere around; mutual suspicion and wars are enmeshing the entire globe. The eternal human values like love, kindness, and generosity are being thrown to dust. "Myself first" has become the dictum of the day. Is it not an alarming image of life that we have carved on the canvas of peace, harmony and happy co-existence? Where is the way out?
Society is nothing but projection of man. If man could be transformed totally, society would automatically fall in line. Not superficial reformation but total transformation of man to bring him 'vimukti' (freedom) through Real Education is the only way out.
The sages of India were real educationists apart from being seers and philosophers. Their deep contempla-tion into human nature, his relationship with life and society in peace and harmony resulted in "Real Education of Man". They evolved various systematic comprehensive, humane educational approaches which we today know as "YOGA – MUSIC – DANCE – ART – AtmaVidya" and so on. Each system aimed at transforming the raw into the refined, and establish harmony within oneself and its influence on the external world.
"Charaiveti" i.e. "March Ahead" and explore into the unknown recesses of life is our aspiration. This Upanishadic proclamation is our inspiration towards holistic education. This e-Newsletter of Sadhana Sangama aims to spread and inculcate the eternal educational values to Mankind.
With yogic fragrance
Sri Pattabhiram
"Whatever liberates you is true knowledge", declare the Upanishads.
But what are we seeing today? Hatred, violence and rivalry everywhere around; mutual suspicion and wars are enmeshing the entire globe. The eternal human values like love, kindness, and generosity are being thrown to dust. "Myself first" has become the dictum of the day. Is it not an alarming image of life that we have carved on the canvas of peace, harmony and happy co-existence? Where is the way out?
Society is nothing but projection of man. If man could be transformed totally, society would automatically fall in line. Not superficial reformation but total transformation of man to bring him 'vimukti' (freedom) through Real Education is the only way out.
The sages of India were real educationists apart from being seers and philosophers. Their deep contempla-tion into human nature, his relationship with life and society in peace and harmony resulted in "Real Education of Man". They evolved various systematic comprehensive, humane educational approaches which we today know as "YOGA – MUSIC – DANCE – ART – AtmaVidya" and so on. Each system aimed at transforming the raw into the refined, and establish harmony within oneself and its influence on the external world.
"Charaiveti" i.e. "March Ahead" and explore into the unknown recesses of life is our aspiration. This Upanishadic proclamation is our inspiration towards holistic education. This e-Newsletter of Sadhana Sangama aims to spread and inculcate the eternal educational values to Mankind.
With yogic fragrance
Sri Pattabhiram